Brain Analytics Services
and neuropowering in sport and in the company


Mapping and promoting talent and high potential in people, sports and companies

  • THE TESTS: the Rusciano Neuroplus® method

    The neurocognitive tests of the Rusciano Neuroplus® method, scalable on large company numbers, allow an objective evaluation of the neurocognitive potential to map resources, units and departments. Prof. Aiace Rusciano in collaboration with Oracle and Reply Consulting. has developed an Artificial Intelligence and Predictive Business Analysis platform for Sports Clubs.

  • TEAM: Enhanced talent for the athlete and management

    The solution is aimed at both football clubs and corporate organizations. TEAM is the artificial intelligence solution integrated with R-Neuroplus® to carry out the mapping, prediction and management of talent and potential through neuroscience and artificial intelligence with objective measures of evaluation of the `` brain '' performance.


    Having clear and objective data available, based on the potential of the brain, and not just on skills, allows you to:- Improve the effectiveness of the (internal and external) selection process of candidates for significant positions and reduce economic losses deriving from bad choices; - Implement a constant analysis and monitoring process of the evolved skills learned;


    A Control Room, based on Brain Analtycs or Neuro Analytics (measures of cognitive potential) can be made available to the organization and / or management to access a DBMS (Database Management System) with reports on easily understood neurocognitive potentials. The application allows the integration and creation of a company Key Performance Indicators.

Rusciano Neuroplus® pathways of neuropotentiation for the company.

  • PHASE I: Assessment

    A check up of the neurocognitive potential is carried out:

  • PHASE II: Neuropotentiation

    It is for both football clubs and organizations and companies. With R-NEUROPLUS® it is possible to map and manage talent and potential through neuroscience and artificial intelligence with objective measures of evaluating the performance of the `` brain ''.

The neuroenhancement programs are carried out with wearable brain-technology tools and artificial intelligence for the analysis and neuro-stimulation of the potential and residual resources of the brain, according to the principles of the Rusciano Neuroplus® method .

Neuro-empowerment programs:

Strengthen the brain's residual resources to maximize cognitive performance
Improve concentration, raise the level of attention and develop the ability to read situations
Increased stress management skills
Increase decision-making power, energy and communication skills
Optimize sleep, resilience and work / life balance

Contact Prof. Aiace Rusciano

The Rusciano Neuroplus neuropowering method, born from Research in Serie A, has also been successfully applied in the business environment, in the selection and development programs of the potential for high potential individuals, talents and managers.

From 2020, the assessment and brain enhancement activities are scalable on large numbers thanks to digital technology, and can also be performed remotely directly from a personal PC, Smarthpone, Tablet with the assistance of specialized personnel and neuro-technologies.